Two Major Research Projects
1. The Post-industrial Transformation of East London
My most recent research is about the planning and development of London's Olympic legacy in East London. This has been a five year research project exploring the urban regeneration associated with the London 2012 Olympic Games. The book entitled London's Olympic Legacy: the inside track makes the argument that London will become the test case city for other host cities bidding for the Olympic Games.
2. The Post-industrial Transformation of South-East London
My previous research, set in the former Docklands of Bermondsey, was a turn of the Century project to investigate what it means to be working class in Britain at the beginning of the new millennium. A book entitled Educational Failure and Working Class White Children in Britain was the outcome of this project. The book focuses on the discrepancy between children and young people's experiences at home and on the street, and their experience of learning at school. The research asks whether schools are failing working class children or whether working class life presents alternative means for gaining social status that conflict with what it means to do well at school? Focusing on Southeast London, this book provides insight into class values as they are embodied, lived and experienced. When extracts of the book were published in Guardian Society controversy and debate were provoked. This was because the book touched a nerve in the nation by exposing the complex cultural politics of white working class pride at the beginning of the 21st Century.