Brexit Britain: why we are all post-industrial now

London's Olympic legacy is a story of post-industrial transformation. It also a story of the battle between Labour and the Tories for the centre ground of British politics, and the political prestige of power over London and the nation. The book explains, as a post-industrial malaise, the alienation in Britain, of Labour voters from their traditional support for the Labour Party, and the consequent populist popularity of both the BNP, and then UKIP. Post-industrial discontent is situated in the book as the dark and foreboding backdrop against which the spectacle of the London 2012 Games and its legacy have unfolded. It is this background that has now taken centre stage with the success of the Brexit campaign. The book makes it possible for us to understand that as a result of the Brexit result we are all post-industrial now in the sense that the alienation, marginalisation and disorientation that white working class people living in former industrial and manufacturing heartlands have been feeling for the last thirty years is now common to us all. Thus, a middle class metropolitan multicultural elite now knows what it feels like to experience shock and dismay, as it grieves and laments about a process of sudden change that feels like a body blow, and an assault on its way of life. Precisely because society is at risk of becoming something unrecognisable, something unimaginable, the Brexit result is very hard to come to terms with.